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My Work
Academic Journal
Beecham, E., Hudson, B. F. B. F., Oostendorp, L., Candy, B., Jones, L., Vickerstaff, V., Lakhanpaul, M., Stone, P., Chambers, L., Hall, D., Hall, K., Ganeshamoorthy, T., Comac, M., & Bluebond-Langner, M. (2016). A call for increased paediatric palliative care research: Identifying barriers. Palliative Medicine, 30(10), 979–980.
Singh, S. P. S. P., Anderson, B., Liabo, K., & Ganeshamoorthy, T. (2016). Supporting young people in their transition to adults’ services: Summary of NICE guidance. The BMJ, 353(May), 1–4.
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