2019 - Present
Civil Service
United Kingdom
My time thus far on the graduate scheme has allowed me to gain a solid foundation of parliamentary processes and procedures, including handling FOIs, Parliamentary Questions, and Ministers Questions. Further, I supported in organising and running various stakeholder events to gather feedback which would inform policy matters.
Jan 2019 - Sept 2019
Education and Professional Development Assistant
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
London, United Kingdom
In my time at the RCPCH I oversaw the implementation of a translation process which would support future efforts to support the membership to collect feedback as part of their mandatory revalidation process from a greater proportion of their patients. Alongside the Staff Disability Forum, I co-led initiatives to understand the key needs and desires of the wider staff network. I also led on efforts to finalise and implement a Staff Wellbeing Passport which would allow future staff a mechanism to track their reasonable adjustments and support needs and seeks to facilitate positive conversations about what needs to be implemented and tracking progress.
2013 - 2018
2:1 Classfication
BA (Hons) Politics and East European Studies
London, UK
My degree gave me the chance to explore a region, politics and society of region that has gained importance in its relation to the world stage in the last 3 decades. Through the lens of sociological, economical, historical and political lenses I was able to establish solid foundations and understanding of the unique challenges and activities in the region. My dissertation explored potentials reasons to explain Lithuania's and Belarus' relative performance since the collapse of the Soviet Union in relation to their Infant Mortality Rates.
2005 - 2013
GCSE & A Levels
London, UK
Alongside achieving a high standard of GCSEs and A-Levels at Aske's I took opportunities to engage within the wider school community. Across my 8 years at Askes, I was an active member of the Junior, then the Senior Choir alongside being a flautist within the Intermediate Concert Orchestra.
Professional Skillset
Project Management (Prince2 Foundation Certified)
Stakeholder Management
Teamwork & Collaboration
Event Organisation and Planning
Mental Health First Aider
English (native)
Tamil (spoken native proficiency)
Dutch (intermediate)